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Pastoral Commentary Zack Casey Pastoral Commentary Zack Casey

Continuing the Conversation on Race...

This past Sunday Pastor Louis addressed some difficult issues regarding race and the current culture in America. The goal of this current teaching series, Graceful Resistance, is to provide a Biblical examination of current issues we are facing in society. As Christians, the Gospel should inform every issue in our lives and the Bible should always be the starting place for truth and discernment. It is the inerrant Word of God, and it is the final authority in the life of a disciple of Jesus. That doesn’t mean we can’t read and listen to other sources for information. To better understand cultural issues, especially one like race, we must listen to a variety of opinions and information, even those we don’t agree with. Unfortunately, one of the negative effects of social media and today’s news culture is that it has made it too easy to immediately dismiss the information we don’t like and selectively choose the information we do like. We are losing the art of conversation, especially conversation with people we disagree with. Christians must set a better example. We need to work to revive healthy conversation. We should be better positioned to do this than anyone because we know the power of grace, our peace is not found in worldly issues, and we can forgive offenses because we have been forgiven all our offenses. This is only one way we can “love our enemies,” and show the world that God’s love crosses all barriers. This does not mean we have to agree with everything we hear or that we are constantly questioning the truth. That’s why we start with the truth of Scripture and then work to apply it to what we hear. It also doesn’t mean we force our opinion on someone else. We can share our thoughts if others are willing to listen. But sometimes, we may just need to listen. 

With that being said, we wanted to provide you with some resources to help the conversation continue in your own life. There is no shortage of information on the internet. Some is good, much of it is not. The following list is not whole-heartedly endorsed by City Awakening, but overall, these are reliable sources. These resources have been helpful to our leadership team, and some come recommended from leaders we trust. At the end of the day, the best place to turn is to actual people. Build a relationship with a neighbor that’s different than you. Engage in conversation with a co-worker of a different race or ethnic background. Invite these people into your home and start to tear down the dividing lines between “us” and “them.” 

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