Continuing the Conversation on Religious Liberty

This past Sunday we addressed the last topic in our Graceful Resistance series at City Awakening, Religious Liberty. We asked the question, “Should I Be Concerned About My Religious Liberties?” This has become a more pressing question for many Christians in recent years. With political bills on the floor and equality laws already in place, the freedom to express religious beliefs, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or otherwise, is becoming a complicated issue. We’ve already seen individuals and business owners face legal charges and penalties, for decisions they’ve made based on their beliefs. Even outside of the legal system, an openly professing Christian who speaks up and acts on their beliefs is likely to experience sharp opposition because those views are seen as outdated and bigoted. Living in this anti-Christian culture demands that we count the cost of following Jesus. We can no longer expect to live a comfortable Christian life as a part of the moral majority. But that was never the life Jesus promised his followers. He gave clear warning that the world, even our families, would hate us because of his name. 

“Brother will betray brother to death, and a father his child. Children will rise up against parents and have them put to death. 22 You will be hated by everyone because of my name.”  - Matthew 10:21-22 

We need to be prepared for this type of opposition and not be surprised by it. We need to be well educated in what we believe and why we believe it. We need to be “quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger.” Our cancel culture says that we should vehemently oppose anyone that doesn’t agree with us, but the Gospel of grace says that we “have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Most of all we need to pray for the wisdom, discernment, and perseverance of all Christians to walk faithfully in the world. We need to be compassionate in our approach to all people but resolved to stand firm on the truth of God’s word, no matter the consequences of our decisions. I like the way Kristen Waggoner, attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom, says it as she refers to the many clients her law firm has represented in recent years in cases of religious liberty,  

“I think that we can be emboldened in our own ways to take stands as well, to know that what we see as challenges God sees as opportunities, and I can tell you for each one of those individuals, the opportunity isn’t just in the litigation. It’s not just in the case, it’s not just in changing the law. They have been able to share their faith with thousands of people, their own family members have come to know Christ, their friends have come to know Christ, because it has caused them to consider, who is this Jesus? Why would you potentially give up all you have for him?” 

Ultimately our hope and our freedom are not found in anything this world can offer. It is found only in Jesus Christ, and we point people to him. We are only temporary residents of this world, and we endure all the trials of this life by keeping an eternal perspective. Our hope is in heaven. 

We’ve provided a few resources to help you think through this issue and prepare your heart for a life of faithfulness in a culture of opposition. 



The High Stakes of Religious Liberty – Kristen Waggoner

Count the Cost: Religious Persecution Is Happening – Paul Chappell 

The Religious Freedom Battleground – Tim Keller

Dealing with Criticism in a “Cancel Culture” Era – Scott Sauls

The Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Be a Christian in 2021 – Joe Carte


We Will Not Be Silenced – Erwin Lutzer

Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age – David Platt

Mama Bear Apologetics: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies – Hillary Morgan Ferrer


Alliance Defending Freedom


Panel Discussion


Should Be Concerned About My Religious Liberties?