Family Ministries
Middle School
High School
Parents Guide
(ages 0-2)
Goal: To help parents embrace their role as the primary discipler of their kids. To help kids experience the love of Christ in a safe environment that fosters spiritual growth at home.
Events/programs: City Kids nursery on Sunday mornings
Milestone event: Parent Commissioning: a celebration of parents’ commitment to disciple their children to love Christ
For More Information, please email Savannah by clicking the button below.
(ages 3-5)
Goal: To engage kids with the beauty of Christ by introducing themes of the gospel through Scripture. To engage parents in the pursuit of a family worship time at home.
Events/programs: City Kids preschool on Sunday mornings, Family Worship and Prayer Nights
For More Information, please email Savannah by clicking the button below.
(ages K-5)
Goal: To provide avenues for kids to see the whole story of God in Scripture, especially through Bible knowledge and memorization. To provide outlets for parents to disciple their kids in the fruit of the gospel.
Events/programs: Small groups on Sunday mornings, Family Worship and Prayer Nights, Kids Camp, Gospel & Baptism Class, family mission trips
Milestone event: Baptism, Mission trip
For More Information, please email Savannah by clicking the button below.
Middle School
(grades 6-8)
Goal: To reach, equip, and disciple students and parents to understand not just the “what” but also the “why” of the gospel and its implications in the life of every believer (godly character, healthy relationships, love for others, prayer and Bible study, living on mission)
Events/programs: Sunday evening student gathering, Family Worship and Prayer Nights, Student Camps, Gospel & Baptism Class, family mission trips
Milestone event: Baptism, Mission trip
For More Information Email: seth@cityawakening.org
High School
(grades 9-12)
Goal: To fully equip students for every good work in Christ Jesus as they live life on mission. To help parents begin the process of launching students into their next season of life.
Events/programs: Sunday evening student gathering, Family Worship and Prayer Nights, Student Camps, Baptism Class, family mission trips
Milestone event: Senior Commissioning
For more information email: seth@cityawakening.org