2022 Quarterly Leadership Update (January - March)

Dear City Awakening Family,

This is our Year Through The Bible, and I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to study the biblical narrative with you in our teaching series called The Story. We just finished our 1st quarter of 2022 and we’ve already seen the Lord use this series to transform people’s lives. 

In the past month alone, we celebrated 4 families who decided to become members of our church. We celebrated 12 people who decided to start serving as volunteers in our church. We’ve grown in weekly attendance, grown in financial giving, grown in missional living supporting local and global missions with our prayers, presence, and provisions. This past week I spoke with someone who said they’re learning so much about Jesus and the bible in our church. I had the chance to share the gospel with them, and they said “YES” to receiving The Gospel! They were filled with so much joy, and they couldn’t wait to tell their friends and family about it! 

  • Hebrews 4:12, “The word of God is living and effective...”

  • Romans 1:19, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation.”

Do you believe Hebrews 4 and Romans 1? You should believe it, because the above celebrations are evidence of God’s Word being effective in our church, and the Gospel being powerful in transforming people’s lives. If you believe this is true about God’s Word and the Gospel, then let’s continue our Year Through The Bible in the following ways:

As 2022 progresses I am convinced more people’s minds will be illumined, hearts will be transformed, and faith will be strengthened through God’s Word and the sharing of his Gospel. If you believe that, then read it and share it! Let’s reach people and reach the world with the Gospel!

Reach People, Reach the World,

Pastor Louis Tamburro III


Week 15 Bible Reading Plan (April 10th-April 16th)


Elijah & Eliza