Go Get The Rabbit

Dear City Awakening Family,

I’m thankful we get to celebrate another year together as a church! I remember in the beginning when City Awakening was just a dream, but now we’re a church with tremendous potential to grow beyond what we dreamed. Do you believe that? Do you believe the Lord wants to grow our church? If you believe that, then what are you going to do to help our church grow in 2023?

There is a story I heard about a grandfather sitting on a porch with his grandson, when one of his hound dogs saw a rabbit in the distance and started chasing it. His other five dogs immediately started barking and running behind the first dog. The grandfather said, “Here’s what will happen. In about ten minutes all five dogs will come back panting and tired. But in about thirty minutes, the first dog will come back with the rabbit.” The grandfather was right! So the grandson asked, “How did you know?” To which the grandfather replied, “It’s because that first dog was the only one who saw the rabbit and didn’t fizzle out. The others got excited, but fizzled out.”

Now I believe the Lord’s allowing us to gather another year as a church not to fizzle out, but to grow deep and wide as a church! But the question is are you the church member who sees the rabbit, who sees the tremendous potential our church has to grow, and are you willing to help us grow? Are you the church member who sees the rabbit, or has fizzled out over time?

We’re calling 2023 Deeply Rooted because we want to grow our church deep in gospel centered theology as we study the book of Romans. We also want to grow our church wide by inviting people to attend City Awakening. But we can’t grow with a fizzled-out faith that’s inconsistent in Sunday attendance and Sunday invites. So let’s be consistent in our Sunday attendance and our Sunday invites for our friends to attend with us. Let’s be eager and unashamed like Paul in Romans 1:16, “I am unashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation!” Let’s prayerfully ask, “How can I help our church grow in 2023,” and then go get the rabbit!

Reach People, Reach The World,

Pastor Louis Tamburro III


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