Enjoy The Moment

Sermon Audio

Sermon Notes

Right now we’re continuing our series on the book of Ecclesiastes called Life Under The Sun, and it’s all about learning how to enjoy today, as we look forward to tomorrow. It’s about learning how to enjoy today, as we look forward to tomorrow, and most of don’t get to enjoy today because we’re in such a fast paced season of life. It’s a very fast paced season of life where tomorrow the alarm’s gonna go off like a fog horn. The fog horn’s gonna go off, you’ll wake up, get up, dress up, and fill yourself up with breakfast and caffeine. Then you’ll sprint to your car, put on a new T. Swift song, or put on the Z so you can listen to Chris Tomlin on repeat...But then you’ll drive in traffic, fight through traffic, and check your social media and emails as you sit in traffic. Then after sitting in traffic you’ll find your seat in class, find your seat at work, say what’s up to a few friends, complain about how Eli and the Giants stink, and after sitting in class a few hours, after working a few hours, you’ll hit your afternoon crash and need a fill up on caffeine. So you’ll drink a red bull or go to Starbucks to get the same drink you always drink because nobody ever gets a new drink until the pumpkin spice comes out. The pumpkin spice is a game changer; you might even go Venti...But you get your caffeine, head back to class, back to work, and after work you go to the gym or if you’re tired you just go home. 

Now what happens when you get home? It’s more work. You just got off work, but now it’s time for more work because you gotta cook, clean, do the dishes, do the laundry, pay the bills, break out the Oxiclean because your pet Fluffy soiled the carpet. Then after that if you have kids, you have to help with their homework, their projects, their dance, their sports, then lace up the gloves, bite down on your mouthpiece, and get ready for the biggest fight of the day. Bath and bed time...It’s bath and bed time...I swear it’s like an MMA fight in my house every night at bath and bed time. It’s a fight, but after that fights over, after all the housework, homework, and tantrums are done, you finally get a chance to shower, lay in bed, check social media again, fall asleep while binge watching something on Hulu, only to wake up to the fog horn repeating the same race again. It’s fog horn, race. Fog horn, race. Fog horn, race...Most of us are living these fast paced lives that leave us feeling stressed out, burnt out, and flat out worn out by the end of the day, to the point where we don’t get to even enjoy the day. God gifts us with moments of joy every day, but we’re so busy, so worn out that we don’t even get to enjoy those moments. Today we’re gonna talk about enjoying the moment. We’re gonna talk about how life’s short, so we need to enjoy the moment. Let’s turn to Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 and get into it. The title of today’s message is ‘Enjoy The Moment.’ Life’s short, so we need to enjoy the moment. 


Here’s your context. Solomon, the author of Ecclesiastes has taught us three things. He’s taught us that all of life is vanity apart from God, life’s full of up and down seasons, and all of life’s a gift. It’s all a gift, and today Solomon’s gonna combine all of these teachings reminding us that life’s short, it has its ups and downs, but we should enjoy every moment of this gift called life. He’s gonna remind us that life’s short, so we need to enjoy the moment. Let’s check it out.  

The Word: 

Ecclesiastes 9:1-10 states this, “But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God.” Solomon’s talking about the sovereignty of God here. He’s talking about how God’s ruling and reigning over this world, and our entire lives and deeds are “in the hand of God” as he states. But some of you have friends, teachers, and professors who believe and teach otherwise. They believe and teach that God doesn’t exist, He’s not in control, and this entire world simply exists because of a big bang and random chaos. Yet even in big bang and random chaos theories there’s a certain amount of order in place holding all the chaos together so that life can exist and be sustained. I’m talking about everything from the earth’s distance to the sun, to gravity, to oxygen, to every little strand of DNA in our bodies. There’s so many intricate details that have to be in place for life to exist and be sustained. Scientists call this the Fine-Tuned Universe, and they believe there’s a certain amount of order, a certain amount of constants that are in place for life to exist and be sustained. 

World-renowned scientist Francis Collins is known for his research on human genetics and for his leadership in a global scientific research project called The Human Genome Project, he said this, “There are 15 CONSTANTS, the gravitational constant, various constants about the strong and weak nuclear forces, etc...If any one of those constants was off by even one part in a million, or in some cases, by one part in a million million, the entire universe couldn’t have come to the point where we see it. There would have been no galaxy, stars, planets, or people...”

Collins also states, “I can’t imagine how nature, in this case the universe, could’ve created itself. The very fact the universe had a beginning, implies someone was able to begin it.”  

Stephen Hawking once said, “The odds against a universe like ours emerging out of something like the big bang are enormous...It would be very difficult to explain why the universe would have begun in this way, except as the act of a God who intended to create beings like us.”

So what Collins, Hawking, and so many other scientists are saying is what appears to be chaotic isn’t so chaotic. They’re saying what appears to be chaotic isn’t so chaotic, their must be an intelligent designer who set our Fine-Tuned Universe in order and is keeping it in order. Now if that’s the case, if God’s sovereign enough, if He’s powerful enough to hold the particles of our universe together so life can exist, it means He’s powerful enough to fulfill every one of His promises...If God’s sovereign enough, if He’s powerful enough to hold the particles of our universe together so life can exist, it means He’s powerful enough to fulfill every one of His promises. A God who isn’t powerful enough to hold the particles of the universe together, is a God who isn’t powerful enough to fulfill His promises. But the fact that we’re still alive, still standing, still breathing, and the 15 plus constants are still constant, tells us we have a God who’s powerful enough to hold the universe together and fulfill His promises...and that should give you peace...It should give you peace...because it means when you feel powerless over your life falling apart, God’s using His power to put your life together. It means when you feel powerless over your life and our world being a chaotic mess, God’s using His power to restore order to our chaotic mess. It means no matter what life throws at you, you can always find rest in His sovereign hands. God’s sovereign hands are like a hammock, if you rest in it, it can bring you peace...God’s sovereign hands are like a hammock, if you rest in it, it can bring you peace. So how’s your peace?..How’s your peace?..What in your life is causing you to lose sleep, and robbing you of peace?..Whatever that thing is, hand it over to Jesus, the Prince of Peace, so you can find rest in the peaceful hammock of his sovereign hands. Solomon says our entire lives and deeds are ‘in the hand of God.’ Life’s short, so enjoy the moment. You can enjoy the moment of everyday life, when you rest your life in the peaceful hammock of God’s sovereign hands. 

Again vs. 1, “But all this I laid to heart, examining it all, how the righteous and the wise and their deeds are in the hand of God. Whether it is love or hate, man does not know; both are before him.” Notice Solomon says we ‘don’t know.’ He said this before in Ecclesiastes 3, he said we don’t know everything God’s doing from beginning to end. He’s saying God’s sovereign, we’re not, which means there’s some things we’re just not gonna know this side of eternity. Scholars call this God’s ‘secret will.’ There’s what’s called God’s ‘revealed will’ and God’s ‘secret will.’ God’s revealed will are things God’s already revealed to us through the bible, it’s things we already know about God’s will. But God’s secret will are things that haven’t been revealed yet, it’s things we don’t know about God’s will. It’s the same with us. We have both a revealed and secret will. There’s times we use our revealed will, we tell people what we’re gonna do and we do it. There’s times we use our secret will, we don’t tell people what we’re gonna do before we do it. Solomon’s talking about God’s secret will in this part of the text. He’s saying there’s some things we’re just not gonna know about God this side of eternity, and I think it’s important for us to know this especially in tragic times like the Vegas shootings. What happened in Vegas is sad and tragic thing...It’s very sad...And it’s left a lot of people asking why?.. A lot of people are asking why? Why did this guy do this? Why did God allow this to happen? A lot of people are asking why? It’s a good question, and I don’t have a lot of time to spend on this, so I’d encourage you to ask it in your missional community groups. I might even address it in our Tough Questions series coming up or in a blog we’re starting. But for now let me say this. 

One of the mistakes I think people make with questions like this is they’ll try to turn God’s secret will into a revealed will. They’ll give some simplistic platitudes and answers to complex issues like the Vegas shooting. But in times like this our world doesn’t need a simplistic platitude, what they need is for us to mourn with them and point them to the hope we have in God’s revealed will, the hope we have in God’s revealed promises, it’s the hope we have in Christ. We need to point people to the hope we have in Christ which is that on the other side of death is eternal life, and somehow someway God’s sovereign hands are working to restore this entire sinful, fallen, mess of a world we’re living in. Solomon says we’re not gonna understand it all this side of eternity, because it’s God’s secret will. But one day God’s secret will is gonna become His revealed will and it’ll all make sense to us. The Apostle Paul put it like this in 1st Corinthians 13:12, “For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.” Both Solomon and Paul are saying a time’s coming when God’s secret will is gonna become His revealed will, and it’ll all make sense to us. Until then, we cling to God’s sovereignty and revealed will like a child clings to their blanket. We find rest, hope, and peace in the sovereign peaceful hammock of God’s hands knowing His power’s gonna one day restore order to our chaotic world...Let’s go to vs. 2

Vs. 2 states, “It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked...” Solomon’s talking about death. He’s talking about how death’s ‘the same event’ for us all, it’s the same event for both the righteous and the wicked, meaning it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or not we’re all gonna die one day. This is so much different than our culture’s karmic view of life which is if you’re a good person and do good things, then good will happen to you. Solomon and the bible teaches us that the karmic view of life isn’t true, and that good and bad things happen to both good and bad people. It teaches us that both good and bad people are gonna die one day. Our culture’s karmic view of life isn’t true, the bible’s view of life is true. The bible’s view of life is always true, and the bible teaches us both good and bad people are gonna end up 6 ft under. We don’t like it, we don’t want to talk about, we even do everything we can to avoid it. It’s why Steve Jobs didn’t put a toggle switch on Apple products. It’s because he didn’t like the thought of his life one day turning off like a toggle switch. It’s why we take multi-vitamins, wear fitbits, buy anti-wrinkle cream, drink filtered water, eat organic, non-gmo, gluten free, superfoods, all done in the name of trying to prolong our short lives. Solomon’s saying it doesn’t matter if you’re a good person or bad person and it doesn’t matter how much Kale you eat, we’re all gonna kick the proverbial bucket one day. He’s saying life’s short, so we need to enjoy the moment. Life’s short, so enjoy the moment. You can enjoy the moment of everyday life, when you rest your life in the peaceful hammock of God’s sovereign hands. 

Vs. 2, “It is the same for all, since the same event happens to the righteous and the wicked, to the good and the evil, to the clean and the unclean, to him who sacrifices and him who does not sacrifice. As the good one is, so is the sinner, and he who swears is as he who shuns an oath. This is an evil in all that is done under the sun, that the same event happens to all. Also, the hearts of the children of man are full of evil, and madness is in their hearts while they live, and after that they go to the dead. But he who is joined with all the living has hope, for a living dog is better than a dead lion. 5 For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, and they have no more reward. Their love and their hate and their envy have already perished, and forever they have no more share in all that is done under the sun.” Notice Solomon says those who’ve joined the living, meaning those who have a relationship with God ‘have hope.’ They have a hope that’s gonna last beyond the grave. But for those who don’t have a relationship with God, he says they have ‘no more reward,’ meaning they have no reward beyond the grave.  So what Solomon’s basically saying is for those who have a relationship with God this life’s the closest to hell you’ll ever get. This life’s the closest to hell you’ll ever get because when this life ends, your greatest rewards will be just beginning. But if you don’t have a relationship with God, there’s no more reward beyond the grave, and this life’s the closest to heaven you’ll ever get. This life’s the closest to heaven you’ll ever get, because when this life ends so will your rewards. A. W. Tozer once said, “For those out of Christ, time is a devouring beast.” He said time is a devouring beast, meaning it’s constantly gnawing away at everything you’ve ever accomplished or owned because you can’t take any of it with you when you die. Man how depressing is that? You’re gonna work extremely hard in life, cram for exams, work overtime, neglect family time, friend time, down time, vacation time only to lose everything you’ve ever worked for when you die. Talk about a depressing life...You might as well be a Bergin in the movie Trolls...because each day time’s a devouring beast gnawing at your rewards. But the Christian life offers us a better life where we can enjoy the moment, because we know there’s an even greater moment awaiting us beyond the grave. Life’s short, so enjoy the moment. You can enjoy the moment of everyday life, when you realize God’s sovereign hands are constantly working to bring you joy. 

Vs. 7, “Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.” God has already approved what you do, meaning if you have a relationship with God, it means God’s sovereign hands have already forgiven you of sin and promised you heaven. It doesn’t mean you’re free to sin or that you won’t have consequences for your sins. It simply means you’re not gonna have eternal consequences for your sins because God’s already promised you heaven. So you don’t have to fear the grave or fear losing your rewards at the grave, because you’ve already been promised greater joy beyond the grave. Life’s short, so enjoy the moment. Life’s short, so enjoy the moment. You can enjoy the moment of everyday life, when you rest your life in the peaceful hammock of God’s sovereign hands.

Vs. 8, “Let your garments be always white. Let not oil be lacking on your head.” This is a symbol of getting ready for a party. White garments, oil on the head, it’s all symbols of a person getting all decked out for a party. Solomon’s saying because of our relationship with God, we can enjoy this short life, rather than mourn it. We can enjoy the moment. 

Again vs. 8, “Let your garments be always white. Let not oil be lacking on your head. Enjoy life with the wife whom you love, all the days of your vain life that he has given you under the sun, because that is your portion in life and in your toil at which you toil under the sun. 10 Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.” Sheol in this context means ‘the grave.’ Solomon’s talking about the grave, and he’s saying we’re not gonna get a second chance when we die, so we better evaluate our lives before we lose our lives. We better evaluate our lives, and relationship with God, before we lose our lives. We’re not gonna get a second chance. 

The Big Idea:

Let’s get to the big idea. Here’s the big idea. Life’s short, so enjoy the moment...Life’s short so enjoy the moment...You can enjoy the moment of everyday life, when you rest your life in the peaceful hammock of God’s sovereign hands. Look Solomon’s right, life’s short. Life’s very short, just look at Timehop or some old photos and you’ll see this is true. I always walk away from Timehop or a photo album saying I can’t believe how fast time goes by. Solomon’s point is that life’s short, it goes by fast, so we need to take the time to enjoy this short life while it lasts. In vs. 10 he says we still need to work hard, study, check emails, pay the bills, do the laundry, do the dishes, do the lawn, and do all the other responsibilities we have, just don’t let those things consume you to the point where you don’t ever take the time to enjoy your short life. He says life’s short, so we need to enjoy the moment while this short life lasts. 

If you’re not a Christian, I want you to consider the truth of what Solomon’s teaching. I want you to consider the truth that life’s short, and everything you’re working so hard for is pointless. It’s all pointless, because it’s all gonna end at your grave. You’re working so hard to build a sandcastle kingdom that’s only gonna get washed away by the tide, it’s only gonna get washed away in time. Time is a devouring beast to everything you’re working so hard for. But it doesn’t have to be that way. What Christianity offers you is a much better life than the sandcastle life your living. It’s a life where you can have joy every day. It’s a life where your joy doesn’t have to end at the grave, it can last far beyond the grave. It’s a life where you can have rest, joy, and peace in the peaceful hammock of God’s sovereign hands. Jesus came to offer you that life when he came to live, die, and rise again for the forgiveness of your sins, and if you repent of your sins, believe that he died for your sins, then you’ll be able to have that life today. You’ll be able to enjoy eternal life in relationship with Jesus, in his eternal kingdom which is full of eternal joys that the grave, water, and time won’t ever be able to wash away. It’s a much better kingdom than the sandcastle kingdom you’re building. It’s a much better life than the sandcastle life you’re living. So repent of your sins, believe Jesus died for your sins, and receive that life today. 

For those of you who are Christians, I want you to remember that you have 24/7 access to Jesus, and all the joys that come from Jesus. The reason you can enjoy the moment of everyday life is because Jesus has given you constant access to him and all the joys that come from him. See the issue for the non-Christian is time, but the issue for the Christian is forgetfulness. We forget to access the joy we already have. I mean there isn’t a single moment in your life as a Christian where you don’t have access to joy, because a Christian can’t ever lose their joy. They can forget their joy, even have moments where they don’t feel joy, but they can’t ever lose their joy. They have 24/7 access to Jesus, which means they have 24/7 access to the joys of Jesus, so they can always find something to praise God for. A Christian can be stressed out, burnt out, worn out, suffering, hurting, facing their darkest hour, or the last hour of their life, but because of Jesus they can always find something to praise God for. “I hate my job! But praise God I have a job.” “I hate school! But praise God I have a brain and get to go to school!” “I love my kids! But I hate their constant wining, tantrums, and disrespect! But you know what? Praise God that I have kids!” “I lost my job, my education, my kids, everyone and everything I ever had, and now I’m facing death! But praise God, because I still have Jesus and the eternal joys awaiting me in his eternal kingdom.” You see how this works? A Christian can lose everything they have, they can lose their entire sandcastle kingdom, but the one thing they can’t ever lose is their joy. Because they have Jesus they can always find something to praise God for. The issue for the Christian isn’t our access to joy, it’s that we forget to access the joy we already have. It’s that we forget to hit the pause button on life and access the joy we already have. Solomon’s telling us to hit the pause button on our short, chaotic, stressed out, burnt out, worn out lives, so we can focus on Jesus and enjoy the moment. So let’s do that. Let’s take a few minutes to hit the pause button on our stressed out, burnt out, worn out lives. Let’s take a few minutes to hit the pause button, pray to Jesus, placing our sins, worries, and stresses into his hands, and let’s thank him for the endless joy He’s already given us. He gifts us with moments of joy every day; if only we’d slow down and hit the pause button, we’d recognize it. So let’s hit the pause button, and recognize it.


Don’t Waste Your Life


How To Live Life Under The Sun