Christmas Parties

Sermon Audio

Sermon Notes

Today we’re continuing our series called “The Christmas Dichotomy” which is all about bridging the gap between two Christmas narratives. The word dichotomy means to “divide” or “contrast” two different things, and every year during the month of December we’re faced with a Christmas Dichotomy, a division, a contrast between the culture’s narrative and the Christian narrative of Christmas. This series is about bridging the gap between those two narratives, and today we’re gonna talk about how Christmas parties are an element of agreement in both those narratives. Both Christians and non-Christians celebrate the Christmas season with Christmas parties. We have staff parties, school parties, small group parties, family parties, even ugly sweater parties. We have all kinds of parties during Christmas. It’s parties full of gift exchanges, white elephants, secret santas, eggnog, spiked eggnog, and Christmas cookies. Christmas parties are a part of both the culture and Christian narratives of Christmas, and today I’m gonna show you how those parties have even greater significance in Jesus. So let’s turn our bible’s to Luke 2:8-20 and get into it. The title of today’s message is “Christmas Parties.” It’s Christmas parties, and what makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate...What makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate. Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of a Savior, not another advice giver.


Here’s your context. Luke’s the author of this book in the bible, and he was a medical doctor, investigator, and a historian who was highly concerned about the facts regarding Jesus, in particular the facts regarding the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. So what we hold in our hands is his medical, investigative, and historical report of Jesus, and today we’re gonna study the part of his report where some shepherds find out Jesus is born. Let’s check it out. 

The Word: 

Luke 2:8-20 states this, “And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them...” Some of you are about to check out because Dr. Luke’s talking about angels, but don’t check out, because even if you don’t believe in angels you can still learn from what Dr. Luke’s teaching about Jesus’ birth. I’m also gonna talk more about doubting stuff like this on Christmas Eve, so don’t check out.

Again vs. 9, “And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news...” The angel says, “I bring you good news,” meaning the good news of the gospel. It’s the good news of the gospel which is that Jesus is born, he’s our Savior, he’s our God who came to live with us, suffer and die for our sins, and then he rose again on the 3rd day to prove it’s all true, to prove he really can forgive us of sin, to prove he really can give us eternal life in heaven with him. That’s the message of the gospel, that’s the message of Jesus, that’s the message of Christmas, and it’s all considered good news. The gospel’s considered very good news, because contrary to our cultural, privileged, American mindsets where we think we deserve everything. But in this case we don’t deserve heaven, we don’t deserve a relationship with God, we don’t even deserve to be in the presence of God. It’s because our sinful thoughts and actions make us undeserving of heaven and the presence of God, but because of Jesus we’re forgiven of our sins, given the free gift of heaven, and an eternal relationship with God. It’s all considered very good news, which is why when the angel announced it he said, “I bring you good news.” He didn’t say “I bring you good advice,” he said “I bring you good news,” and there’s a difference between the two. There’s a difference between good advice and good news. 

See the difference between advice and news is that advice is a report on something that still needs to be done, but news is a report on something that’s already been done. It’s the difference between a doctor saying to someone who has cancer “Here’s what you need to do,” versus “You’re cured!” One’s good advice, the other’s good news, and when it comes to the gospel a lot of people mix this up, especially people in Orlando. They treat the gospel like it’s good advice, rather than good news. They treat Jesus like a therapist instead of a Savior. They like Jesus and his teachings, but as soon as his teachings don’t line up with theirs or as soon problems arise in their life, they jump ship and start looking for a new therapist or therapy to solve their problems. They switch therapists, meaning teachers, belief systems, churches, self help books...and they switch therapies, meaning they chase things like money, success, drugs, alcohol, relationships, the latest technology or material possessions thinking those things will solve their problems and fill their empty hearts with joy. Then when they attend a church they bring that same mindset into the church, they treat Jesus like a therapist or therapy rather than a Savior, and as soon as something’s said that they don’t like or as soon as problems arise in their life, they jump ship saying they tried Jesus, Christianity, the church, and it didn’t work. But the reason it didn’t work is because they never really had a relationship with Jesus, or at least their relationship was a shallow one where they viewed Jesus as a therapist not a savior. When you want Jesus as your therapist or therapy rather than your Savior, you’ll have a nominal faith that bails in trouble. 

Is that you?..Is that you, have you been treating Jesus like a therapist and therapy, or as your Savior?..Have you tried this whole Jesus thing, Christianity thing, church thing before and you feel like it didn’t work?..What about those of you who are Christians have you been treating Jesus like your therapist and therapy, meaning you don’t bail on him when there’s trouble like the nominal Christian does, but the only time you tend to visit Jesus is when you’re in trouble? He’s like your therapist, you only make an appointment when you need him?..Is Jesus your therapist and therapy, or is he your Savior who’s not only saved you, but he’s also offered you a chance to enjoy a relationship with him beyond the therapy appointments?..Look Jesus most definitely is a wonderful counselor who gives us great council for our lives, but that’s not the primary reason he came. The primary reason he came was to save us from sin, save us from an eternal hell we’re deserving of because of sin, and to take us to heaven so we can enjoy an eternal relationship with him. The primary reason he came wasn’t to be your therapist or therapy, it was to be your Savior and to enjoy a relationship with him beyond the therapy appointments. When the angel came he didn’t come saying “I bring you good advice,” he came saying “I bring you good news,” and we should be thankful for that...because you’d much rather hear the doctor say “I bring you good news, you’re cured!” Over “I bring you good advice, here’s what you need to do, to hopefully be cured.” Jesus is our great physician who came to save us, to give us good news, to give us the cure, to give us himself, which is why there’s much reason to party during the Christmas season. What makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate. Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of a Savior, not another advice giver. 

Again vs. 10, “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.” The good news is “for all the people,” meaning it’s a message available to the young, the middle aged, the old. It’s a message available to blacks, whites, Hispanics, all ethnic groups. It’s a message available to the mature Christian, the nominal Christian, the non-Christian, the person who comes to church every week, the atheist who never comes to church, and to those living immoral lives, feel trapped in their sin, or feel like they’re beyond forgiveness because of their sin. The gospel message is available to all people which again is good news. It’s good news because the gospel doesn’t discriminate like we discriminate. Christianity’s much more inclusive than some of you might think. Our culture’s always wanting inclusivity, well the gospel’s very inclusive because it’s available for all people like the text states. What makes the gospel exclusive is those who reject it. It’s not Christians who make the gospel exclusive, it’s those who reject it that make it exclusive because the gospel’s available for all people. What makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate. Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of a Savior, not another advice giver. It’s a Savior who’s willing to save anyone who calls upon his name... without discrimination. 

Again vs. 10, “And the angel said to them, ‘Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.’” Notice Jesus is called “Christ the Lord.” He’s called “Christ” which means “anointed one” or “anointed savior,” which we’ve been talking about. But the angel also calls Jesus “Lord,” meaning he’s our God. He’s our God which means we should want Him ruling and reigning over every aspect of our lives, but it also means because He’s our God there’s nothing He can’t do or accomplish in and through our lives, which is again good news. It’s good news because it means through Jesus we get to have a relationship not just with a Savior, but with God Himself. It’s all good news. What makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate. Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of our Savior and our God, not another advice giver. 

Vs. 13, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God...” There’s the party. They’re having one giant heavenly Christmas party. They’re turning up the loud speakers not singing Dominique The Donkey, but singing praises to Jesus. They’re singing praises to Jesus, and notice that the shepherds start partying too.

Again vs. 13, “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, 14 ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!’ 15 When the angels went away from them into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let us go over to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.’ 16 And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger. 17 And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. 18 And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them. 19 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.” Just like the angels, the Shepherds are partying too. Dr. Luke says they’re “glorifying and praising God” because they were eyewitnesses to what the angel told them about Jesus. He says it all happened just as they “had been told,” so they’re partying because they know it’s all true, they know Jesus really is our Savior, he really is our God. So they partied. They partied, and so here’s what Dr. Luke’s basically teaching us in all this. He’s basically teaching us 3 things. He’s teaching us:

#1 The Gospel Is Good News, Not Good Advice = The gospel is good news, not good advice. When the angel came he declared good news, not good advice. It’s what makes Christianity so much different than all the other religions, philosophies, spiritual leaders, motivational speakers, self-improvement messages, therapists, and therapies. All those things can give you good advice on how to change your life, but they can’t give you the power to change your life. I mean our world’s not all jacked up because we’re lacking good advice, it’s jacked up because we’re sinful people who lack the power to live out the good advice we’ve received. C.S. Lewis put it like this, “There’s been no lack of good advice for the last 4000 years. A bit more wouldn’t have made any difference...We’ve never followed the advice of the great teachers, so why would we be more likely to follow Jesus over any of the others? Because He’s the best moral teacher? That makes it even less likely to be able to follow Him, because if we can’t follow the elementary lessons, is it likely we’re going to follow the most advanced ones? If Christianity only means one more bit of good advice, then Christianity’s of no importance.” He says it’s of no importance because we already fail to live out the good advice we receive, which means we’d fail to live out Jesus’ good advice too. But thankfully Jesus didn’t come to give us good advice, he came to give us good news. It’s the good news of a relationship with him, and because he’s our Savior and God, it means he has the power to not only save us, but also to change us. It’s unlike any other news, any other religion, philosophy, or self-improvement school of thought that exists, because all those things can give you good advice on how to change your life, but they can’t give you the power to actually change it. They can’t give you the power to live out the very advice they give. Jesus being our Savior and God has the power to save us, change us, and help us live out any good advice or teachings he ever gives. The gospel is good news, not good advice! 

#2 The Gospel Is Available For All People = Dr. Luke teaches us that the gospel’s available for all people. When the angel came he said “I bring you good news for ALL people.” The gospel’s a much better value system than our culture’s value system. Our culture teaches us to value people based on pedigree, popularity, beauty, race, socio economic status, the list goes on. The list can go on regarding the various different things we use to value or even devalue people. But the gospel teaches us a different value system, which is to value all people, because Jesus offers his love to all people and people groups. He’s willing to save and have a relationship with anyone who calls upon his name. The gospel’s available for all people. 

#3 The Gospel Is Worth Celebrating = Dr. Luke teaches us the gospel’s worth celebrating. What followed the angel’s announcement of the good news was a huge celebration, it was a huge party. The angles partied, the shepherds partied, and anyone who receives the good news of the gospel should party. We should party because the gospel gives us much reason to celebrate. We can celebrate being forgiven of sin, celebrate the assurance of heaven, celebrate having a relationship with God, celebrate God’s grace giving us the power to change and transform every aspect of our lives, celebrate all the new graces God gives us every morning we wake up. The Christian always has reasons to celebrate when they remember the gospel in every aspect of their everyday life. The Christian always has reasons to celebrate when they remember to visit with Jesus not just in their therapy appointments, but in every aspect of their everyday lives. So don’t just proclaim the good news, live a good news life...Don’t just proclaim the good news, live a good news life...The more you visit with Jesus in every aspect of your life, the more you’ll get to enjoy that good news life, even beyond the Christmas narrative. It’s good news, not good advice.

The Big Idea:

Let’s get to the big idea. Here’s the big idea. What makes something a party is there’s something to celebrate. Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of a Savior, not another advice giver...Christmas gives us much reason to party, because we’re celebrating the birth of a Savior, not another advice giver...Both the culture and Christian narratives of Christmas include parties, but the reason those parties exist is because of Jesus. If Jesus wasn’t born there wouldn’t be a Christmas season or Christmas parties, but because Jesus was born can party. We’re can party, and if you’re not a Christian you should praise Jesus for allowing you to have Christmas parties, but more importantly you should worship him because he’s your Savior and God who’s willing to forgive you of sin, take you to heaven, and give you an eternal relationship with him. If you repent of your sins, believe he’s your Savior and God who died for your sins, He’ll give you that relationship. He’ll give you that relationship, and all the joyful daily graces that come with that relationship, just like he’s doing for Rob. Rob’s a guy in our church whose life was recently saved and is now being changed Jesus. Here’s his story: 

“Before receiving an invitation to come to City Awakening, my life felt like it was spiraling out of control. My depression and anxiety were getting worse, my relationship with my girlfriend of 2 years was falling apart, and I was slowly losing my career. In a nutshell, my life was a mess. It was a mess even after having accomplished my lifelong dream of playing Major League Baseball for the Seattle Mariners. Major League Baseball wasn’t bringing me the joy I always believed it would, and there was this huge void in my life like something was still missing. So I decided to take a break from playing baseball. I walked away from the regular season to find myself, and what I found was way better than myself. What I found was Jesus. 

It all started with a friend of mine inviting me to come to City Awakening. When my friend invited me, I wasn’t really sure what to think. I mean I’ve had some poor experiences at churches before and never felt comfortable going, but my friend invited me, I saw how much his life had been changed, and so I decided to accept his invite. That Sunday I felt like the message was speaking directly to me to the point where I nearly broke down into tears. God’s timing is so perfect, because it was everything I needed to hear in that moment. 

A few weeks later I met with my friend and Pastor Louis, they shared the gospel with me, and I received it. Since then I’ve been able to see life much more clearly, and I’ve been able to let go of a lot of burdens I was carrying. It’s because I’m no longer trying to control my life, instead I’ve given Jesus control over my life. I’ve put my life and trust in Jesus, because he’s the ONLY one in control. I’m extremely grateful for my friend giving me that invitation, and I’m excited to publicly declare my faith in Jesus today, by getting baptized.” 

Man let’s give God praise and welcome Rob to the family!..At the end of today’s service we’re gonna baptize Rob, and on the 31st he has to go to Arizona for spring training, and then to Seattle for the regular season. We’ll keep pouring into him and connect him to a local church in those areas, but I wanted you to hear his story so you can hear how Rob’s life and eternity was changed by God’s grace, through a simple invite to come to church from a friend. That’s it, that’s all it was. It was a simple invite from a friend, Rob accepted it, and God’s grace worked through it. What if that’s all it takes for God to save and change the life and eternity of one of your friends?.. What if that’s all it takes for God to save and change the life and eternity of one of your friends? ...On your seats are some invite cards to our Christmas Eve service that’s coming up next week, take those cards and invite some friends. Take those cards, invite some friends, and let’s pray for Jesus to save and change some hearts through your invite like He did Rob’s. Look I don’t know what God’s gonna do, but all I know is the gospel’s real, Jesus is real, and so is his grace. Rob’s a real person, with a real story, who was recently saved and is now being changed by Jesus. The gospel’s real, it saves and changes lives, it’s happening right here in our very own church. It’s happening right here in our very own church, and if you haven’t received the gospel, receive it today. If you’ve already received the gospel, remember it today. Remember that Jesus is more than a therapist and therapy, he’s a real Savior, a real God, who offers us an endless sea of daily graces to celebrate beyond our therapy sessions. So let’s open our eyes, let’s see the beauty of him and his daily graces, and let’s invite others to see it too on Christmas Eve


Christmas Doubts


Christmas Gifts